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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:03 pm  Post subject: Hey, I still alive, how have you all been?  
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:36 am
Rank: Sensei
Hello everybody, boy, time sure flies, last I came on this place, it was probably you wish you all a Merry Christmas, with a broken promise of wishing a New Year.

So, trying to recollect all the memories would be quite hard, since so much of it would be missing.

Needless to say, I'll begin in no Chronological order:

1) Graduated from University (B.A. in Business Management if you're curious).

2) Currently job-hunting

3) Began as awesome volunteering work at a COVID-19 vaccine center that occasionally pays me for my contributions, the very first time I made money in my entire life, the most I ever made before.

4) Did another volunteering gig for a Art festival and it was the most high-profile event I've ever seen, I'm not exaggerating but there were LITERALLY fleets of Mercedes-Benz cars as taxis and the general go-to brand for all the guests, suffice to say, I started bucking and wondered how can I even hold a candle to these type of people.

5) Finally began to develop an extrovert-ish type of personality, trying not to be afraid to ask for help, making friends, not shying away and being scared to do new things in general.

6) Probably the most important thing that I wanted to tell you all but was afraid for being judged for it, but throughout all my posts, I've been trying to mask my pain I've been going through due to narcissistic parents, being constantly told that I'm well, worthless and won't amount to anything, but as I mentioned before, now I have no more F's to give and would share it with you all, just so you all are better to know about myself, it's my post, so I'll put it out anyways. Good news is, I've realized that there is a huge world outside and that it's not limited to my parents, I'm slowly beginning to realize that I am not a victim and that I can control my future and steer it into a positive direction full of happiness rather than bitterness and despair as my narcissistic, pathetic excuse of parents that I have.

So yeah, that's the gist of it, gotta thank this place and everyone of you for providing me a safe spot to have fun, and maybe if it's against the rules of not (I'm sure gondee has a built-in radar for these type of things), I'd love to know some of you in real-life, and yes, I already did make some friends here and chat with them frequently through WhatsApp and stuff, so yeah.

It's been a pleasure you all as always, take care, and stay safe, love you all <3

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:18 am  Post subject: Re: Hey, I still alive, how have you all been?  
User avatar
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:01 am
Rank: Master
Location: California
PSN: Emu90
Congrats graduating uni. You'll find a job for sure even in this pandemic. I probably had 3 jobs this year so far... lol I just signed on to a permanent position for the first time in a long time. I hope you are doing amazing. I hope everyone here is. :D

Mercury City's official Fortune Teller. *

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:27 pm  Post subject: Re: Hey, I still alive, how have you all been?  
Zoe's #1 Fan
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Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:33 am
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Rank: Zoe's #1 Fan
Location: Hitting at the big time
PSN: PabloYeti
perpetualdusk wrote:
Hello everybody, boy, time sure flies, last I came on this place, it was probably you wish you all a Merry Christmas, with a broken promise of wishing a New Year.

So, trying to recollect all the memories would be quite hard, since so much of it would be missing.

Needless to say, I'll begin in no Chronological order:

1) Graduated from University (B.A. in Business Management if you're curious).

2) Currently job-hunting

3) Began as awesome volunteering work at a COVID-19 vaccine center that occasionally pays me for my contributions, the very first time I made money in my entire life, the most I ever made before.

4) Did another volunteering gig for a Art festival and it was the most high-profile event I've ever seen, I'm not exaggerating but there were LITERALLY fleets of Mercedes-Benz cars as taxis and the general go-to brand for all the guests, suffice to say, I started bucking and wondered how can I even hold a candle to these type of people.

5) Finally began to develop an extrovert-ish type of personality, trying not to be afraid to ask for help, making friends, not shying away and being scared to do new things in general.

6) Probably the most important thing that I wanted to tell you all but was afraid for being judged for it, but throughout all my posts, I've been trying to mask my pain I've been going through due to narcissistic parents, being constantly told that I'm well, worthless and won't amount to anything, but as I mentioned before, now I have no more F's to give and would share it with you all, just so you all are better to know about myself, it's my post, so I'll put it out anyways. Good news is, I've realized that there is a huge world outside and that it's not limited to my parents, I'm slowly beginning to realize that I am not a victim and that I can control my future and steer it into a positive direction full of happiness rather than bitterness and despair as my narcissistic, pathetic excuse of parents that I have.

So yeah, that's the gist of it, gotta thank this place and everyone of you for providing me a safe spot to have fun, and maybe if it's against the rules of not (I'm sure gondee has a built-in radar for these type of things), I'd love to know some of you in real-life, and yes, I already did make some friends here and chat with them frequently through WhatsApp and stuff, so yeah.

It's been a pleasure you all as always, take care, and stay safe, love you all <3

For 1 to 5 - sounds like you've been doing well. Congrats on Uni and hope the job hunting went well? As for No4 - people will have more money than you, buy more expensive things, is doesn't make them any more of a person that you already are. We are all equal, no one is better or worse, just that some have more money to spend than others, that's all.

No6 - I'm glad that you have the confidence to break free and stand up for yourself, no one wants to be put down, especially by their own parents. But if you're going to grow from this yourself then learn to forgive or you'll only pass on what you have stored away to someone else down the line without noticing - possibly what your parents are actually did - as they say 'Do no harm, but take no shit'

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:12 am  Post subject: Re: Hey, I still alive, how have you all been?  
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:36 am
Rank: Sensei
TrickyEmu wrote:
Congrats graduating uni. You'll find a job for sure even in this pandemic. I probably had 3 jobs this year so far... lol I just signed on to a permanent position for the first time in a long time. I hope you are doing amazing. I hope everyone here is. :D

Hey TrickyEmu! Good news is I landed an internship not so long after your comment and have been going at it for almost 5 months now, let's see where this takes me, gonna catch up to you soon regarding the permanent position, love your positive comments at the end, you too take care :D

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:15 am  Post subject: Re: Hey, I still alive, how have you all been?  
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:36 am
Rank: Sensei
Yeti wrote:
perpetualdusk wrote:
Hello everybody, boy, time sure flies, last I came on this place, it was probably you wish you all a Merry Christmas, with a broken promise of wishing a New Year.

So, trying to recollect all the memories would be quite hard, since so much of it would be missing.

Needless to say, I'll begin in no Chronological order:

1) Graduated from University (B.A. in Business Management if you're curious).

2) Currently job-hunting

3) Began as awesome volunteering work at a COVID-19 vaccine center that occasionally pays me for my contributions, the very first time I made money in my entire life, the most I ever made before.

4) Did another volunteering gig for a Art festival and it was the most high-profile event I've ever seen, I'm not exaggerating but there were LITERALLY fleets of Mercedes-Benz cars as taxis and the general go-to brand for all the guests, suffice to say, I started bucking and wondered how can I even hold a candle to these type of people.

5) Finally began to develop an extrovert-ish type of personality, trying not to be afraid to ask for help, making friends, not shying away and being scared to do new things in general.

6) Probably the most important thing that I wanted to tell you all but was afraid for being judged for it, but throughout all my posts, I've been trying to mask my pain I've been going through due to narcissistic parents, being constantly told that I'm well, worthless and won't amount to anything, but as I mentioned before, now I have no more F's to give and would share it with you all, just so you all are better to know about myself, it's my post, so I'll put it out anyways. Good news is, I've realized that there is a huge world outside and that it's not limited to my parents, I'm slowly beginning to realize that I am not a victim and that I can control my future and steer it into a positive direction full of happiness rather than bitterness and despair as my narcissistic, pathetic excuse of parents that I have.

So yeah, that's the gist of it, gotta thank this place and everyone of you for providing me a safe spot to have fun, and maybe if it's against the rules of not (I'm sure gondee has a built-in radar for these type of things), I'd love to know some of you in real-life, and yes, I already did make some friends here and chat with them frequently through WhatsApp and stuff, so yeah.

It's been a pleasure you all as always, take care, and stay safe, love you all <3

For 1 to 5 - sounds like you've been doing well. Congrats on Uni and hope the job hunting went well? As for No4 - people will have more money than you, buy more expensive things, is doesn't make them any more of a person that you already are. We are all equal, no one is better or worse, just that some have more money to spend than others, that's all.

No6 - I'm glad that you have the confidence to break free and stand up for yourself, no one wants to be put down, especially by their own parents. But if you're going to grow from this yourself then learn to forgive or you'll only pass on what you have stored away to someone else down the line without noticing - possibly what your parents are actually did - as they say 'Do no harm, but take no shit'

Hey Yeti, thanks for the comment, especially no.6, as for job hunting, not at the moment, just an intern and seeing what doors it opens up for me, at least for one year.

And no.4 is a good point as well, so thanks for that, it gets tiring to remind myself about it all the time :/

Feels good to be back here, how have you been after all this time?

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