The Gravitude Bar

My Segmented Runs (TAS Runs)
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Author:  898ppp [ Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  My Segmented Runs (TAS Runs)

A so-called segmented run is a kind of TAS run. Instead of playing the game frame-by-frame, using macros and savestates though, like a normal TAS, it's a run where I just savestate every now and again and try again and again until I get the desired outcome. It's a lot more human of a run than a TAS, where everything is literally frame-perfect (assuming it's a good TAS). The purpose of these runs is to show off the absolute maximum of what's possible, and to push the boundaries on the improvements we can incorporate. Now that many of my segmented runs have achieved higher scores than the current TAS runs by Koeiprogenitor, I think they deserve a thread. By sharing these runs, I hope to show you guys potential improvements that we could one day incorporate into our runs. :) Enjoy the show, and best of luck improving your runs!

NOTE: I will not include segmented runs that do not beat the current WR. I have one of those, an 1.84 M Much-2-Much run.

ALSO NOTE: Koei's actual TAS runs use rail glitch or red block glitch to achieve his scores, which means he has some extra time. The only run of mine with a glitch like this in it is the Kick Doubt run. I generally don't use it, and therefore, Koei almost always has more time to do things than I do.

FULL PLAYLIST: (11/35 runs done, more to come soon!)

Run comments:

Author:  Rastapo [ Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Segmented Runs (TAS Runs)

Good work 898ppp, keep going ! It's really interesting to see these 'human' TAS. I'm impatient to watch a true M2M run or happiness jam.
On a side note, X-X-X in the CN pipe is definitely possible, probably not on the 2 jumps but 1 for sure.

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