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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:51 pm  Post subject: SSX 2012 is almost perfectly emulated!  
Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:37 pm
Rank: Sensei
Just popping back in here to say that 2012 runs almost flawlessly on RPCS3 now, provided your computer is powerful enough. Here's a video of me playing through a bit of the game at 1080p:

There's still some minor speed and graphical issues, and it does crash sometimes, but other than that it's fully playable. Additionally, the 30 FPS cap can be raised, allowing 60 FPS gameplay. Performance isn't good enough for that yet, but judging by how fast RPCS3 is progressing, I don't think it'll take long.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:42 am  Post subject: Re: SSX 2012 is almost perfectly emulated!  
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Would be amazing if modders could fix those damn crevasses so that you respawn back to the course instead of having to restart the whole thing.

Also known as the guy that always pisses gondee off with his huge avatars. :D

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:03 pm  Post subject: Re: SSX 2012 is almost perfectly emulated!  
Zoe's #1 Fan
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goody_fyre11 wrote:
Just popping back in here to say that 2012 runs almost flawlessly on RPCS3 now, provided your computer is powerful enough. Here's a video of me playing through a bit of the game at 1080p:

There's still some minor speed and graphical issues, and it does crash sometimes, but other than that it's fully playable. Additionally, the 30 FPS cap can be raised, allowing 60 FPS gameplay. Performance isn't good enough for that yet, but judging by how fast RPCS3 is progressing, I don't think it'll take long.

Nice work :thumbsup

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