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Forum to discuss the upcoming entry in the SSX series
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Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:41 pm

If you see any errors, just post in the topic.

Members name - Online name

157190 - ilikewaffles64
898ppp - NiceSunsets123
A Sick One With A Smile - iBeAWelder
AceBoogie16 - KilLa-Mad_Ness
aceofthorns - aceofthorns
aceofspades89 - funk_189
AdamBrewer - AdamBrewer91
Alex - Alex_kutioner
Aloha Massif - doctorproc83
anigamex – anigamex
Anticrobotic - Seppuccu
Atteiku - Atteiku
AzureKite - bleachgetsugo1te
Baron von Gikkigen - CardsOfFate
bakalhau - bakalhau
Beezy - TBeezy489
Berger - greenkeeper
bjkrautk - MilwaukeeBrewers
Bl4cky - Bl4cky1911
Blaergh - blaergh
BlasterM - Blaster_N
BlueEagle44 - BlueEagle44
Bluellama1 - Bluellama1
Boadini – Boadini
Bocakey - bocakey
Boogie - hypnotic_boogie
Bourne93 - Bourne93
brechteke333 - brechteke333
byrron - byrron
Calistus - calikun065
cannonbait - cannonbait
cecemel34 - compleetbanaan
Chadouken! - DahcDerron
chandler325i - Commie_Phil
CharmyDweeng - charmydweeng
chidona – chidona
ChrisCSW20 - ChrisCSW20
citylights - starrify
CjClay - Juice_Man101
Clawz114 - clawz114
cloudbursttt - cloudbursttt
Cointosser - Lensbaby111
Cool-hand-todd - Cool-hand-todd
Crazy_driveR3 - Crazy_driveR3
crcarter99 - crcarter99
crispncrunchy - crispncrunchy
cste413 - blade7077
CTCurry99 - CTCurry99
CunningLinguist - Crazy_Fruits
Dagoobert - Dagoobert
DarkParasito - DarkParasito
death_note15 - death_note15
deyessorc - deyessorc
DharmSSX - harrytg1856
dimeo89 - shunsukenakamura
DiscoBison - DiscoBison
djchrisea - Envisager (FILLED)
Don - Donoftea
dognamedmoses – dognamedmoses
DOS_SkywalkR - DOS_SkywalkR
Dr. Spud - Dr_Spud_10x
Dread_Randal - DreadRandal
Drpepperz - DrPepperrzz
duck_fin_soup - duck_fin_soup
e30 – LensInversion
EddieVercetti – Eddie_Vercetti
Eddily - Eddily
eFeCz - (eFeCz-)
Emiotus - Emiotus
Equinoqs - Equinoqs
EvilPengy - TheEvilPengy
eviltim - Eviltim1700
Fantastical - gnash101
feddixx - feddixx
Fernnyom - Fernnyom
FishEye - Omoikane_x8
FloorMP - FloorMateo
FlyMike - FlyMike45
fortyseven - Tfortyseven
fraggster - fraggster666
fredde007 - Veckodag
Frost – FrostSSX
FuryXII - Ybrik13
FuZzOtagE - FuZzOtagE
Fuzzyears - planetcat
GalacticPrettyBoy - Ghost_Holista
ganning1987 - ganning1987 or 3pikDAMO
ginntonicnyc – ginntonicnyc
g0mbl3r - g0mbl3rr
gondee - gondeeSSX
grandmort – grandmort
GroovyChic17 - GroovyChic17
guilherme_b - VanillaGui
Gunderlero – Gunderlero
Gunyoki - Gunyoki
heyitsmichelle – heyitsmichelle
Hibou77 - Hibou77
hobants2 - pel21
holtyehigh - HoltyeHigh
hor-he - hor-he
hoznary - Hoznary
illmatic - illmatic24
Irongalaxy83 - PigeonFeet
Ishraqiyun - Ishraqiyun
Iwinagaincool - Iwinagaincool
iWolfe2327 - iWolfe2327
Jabbarwocky - Jabeel786
Jame$onic – Jamescorpio
jasmart - jasmart
Jedimindtricks - Jed1M1ndTr1cks
Jelo – JeloSwe
Jonipoon - Jonipooon
JSilky – Jsilky
JuliusElec - JuliusElec
killraven2099 - killraven2099
Kivvi - Kinomi_XD
Klemeesi – Klemeesi
Kozaboza - kozaboza
Koudman - Koudman
krnsnowflake - lesparkley
kuma-chan35 - kuma-chan35
laidback0378 - Zerocool378
LaidBackVillain – LaidBackVillain
Legendsuper - Legendsuper
Lensta - Lensta
LePierre - Scndl
LilG912 - LilG912912
liljp - LilJP121
Lithia - CielDiamond
logan43000 - dvlboi43
MacsimousOwnag3 – tbatez
Madeo - SirCallisto
MarcusAnnex - MarcusAnnex
MarryTheNight - cjr2994
marshall_nagy - marshall_nagy
martymcflyy85 - martymcflyy85
Maxxens - Maxxens
Mguby - Pinoy_Mguby
Midian – MidianGTX
MilitoTheMan - Lionelthebomb
MilkMagical – DeimosClay
Minijote - Jote
misterska - misterska
Mobe - mobe7
Molasar - Molasar
Monkey_Nuts - Randy_Badger
Morbo - QMorbo
MrRuchie123 - ruchie123
MSRodman - MSRodman
Mus - thrillhouzz
NA - MistressWiggle
naridill - Dieeeeee
neonlazer41 - neonlazer41 or superbomber77
Nightingale - Supernovalogia
noctis222 - NOCTIS222
noonathon - ed_ws
o_drick2 - o_drick2
Obi - Obiwahnshinobi
ontheradio32 - ontheradio32
Onya78 - Onya78
OtB-Shaft - S-h-a-f-t
Pal - PalYawn
papasmurfking - osu0813
PGwojowski - Prusion3216
Ping5000 - Ping5000
PistolPete - pistolFC
PowderKilla - Pwdr_Killa
Pr0ster - x_HaXz0r_x
Praynomore - praynomore
Pred314 - Pred314
Progresso - Progresso-
Rade88 - Rade88
RalphBattle - RalphBattle1
Razorfever - rzrfvr
Reinstein - Jagheterleo
Rmc[AZ] - RmcAZ
Rogue_Shadow - Rogue_Shadow
Rudinjo - ruf-home
Rust - Encantado
Samaski - Samaski
samcotts – samcotts
sammyt93 - sammyt93
scotskid - Emskinen
Senotoku - Senotoku
Seventy_X_Seven - Seventy_X_Seven
Sezzy - Sezzy
ShaneCamp - ShaneCamp
ShoTheEmcee - ShoTheEmcee
silverBe - silverBe4
Smurphy - J_Smurph
snizzlepizzle - snizzlepizzle
soapstar - seep76
Sonnergard - Endemism
SparkySSX - sparky67ssx
spazznid - spazznid
sselectaSSX - sselectaSSX
SSX_Kromat83 - SSX_Kromat83 (FILLED)
SSXcool - SSXcoolNL
SSXfanatic#1 - SSXfanatic
st3aksauce138 - st3aksauce138
StrikerObi - StrikerObi
supau - supa-U
Superbrah - Superbrah
SweetWildFlowers - Classic_Beauty21
switch uber - lsatterfield
swooger - swooger
T0wNH3r0 - T0wNH3r0 (be sure to use zeros and no o's)
tasha_iris - tasha_iris
TEAMsteady21 - TEAMsteady21
the one with vertigo - gerd0602
theguy2687 - theguy2687
Titan - titanisonline
TKEON230 - DredPirateStorm
Todd Smith - toe23
Tommyboy81 - Half-Truism81
TrenchWarfareTV - TrenchWarfareTV
Tricky27 - Tricky2703
TrickyEmu - emu90
tristan - EatDeath
TRUmoney – TRUmoneyKACHING
thebird - thebird86
Tubby-co-uk - Tubby-co-uk
Tunes - CHROMANAUT_ (<- include that underscore!)
Tuscan_THUGa - Tuscan_THUGa
Ubersnuber - Ubersnuber
unkillable cat - unkillable-cat
UrbanInfinity - UrbanInfinity
Virtual Crayon - pinoiboi1395
Vivi FF - tk102
vix - VixDiesel
Warstomper - Warstamper
WastedSky - WastedSky
Wilemina - Wilemina
willch27 - willyuchiha27
WillPG1212 - WillPG1212
Windows - WindowsV
WoodenGlory - DudeForRock
woozwah - Wh00zWAH
wreck_and_rule - wreck_and_rule
Xalton - Xalton
xentrix - xentrixvic
xmscott - xmscott
Yaphy - Harming7
Yeti - PabloYeti
YoshiExcel - YoshiExcel
Zen - Nathans-Bubble
ZenithYoda – zenithyoda
Zombii_Nick - Zombie_Nick
Zounder - Zounder1002
Zoroux - Zoroux
zytroop - WeakerThanYou

Members name - Online name

A Sick One With A Smile – iBeAWelder
ajar1189 - ajar1189
aKw3i - aKw3i 999
alex - awimachinegun
AlpineMadness - MP3effect
andrew5500 - andrew5500
Andus - Andus Blood
AutisticVampire - Cobbelstown
AwkwardFailure - Quicquidlibet
Ayu-chan - ROCHAN
Aztekk - I Aztekk I
bakalhau - bakalhau90
Bardic Jester - Jestercore
Bildi - Bildi
Bl4cky - Bl4cky1911
blendermf – blendermfskate
Blitzafox - xXSpeakerboxXx
Bolson - Bolson13
bretonstyle - bretonstyle
bruins66 - BruisaFloyd6921
ccycle – countercycle
chris55335208 - Chris55335208
Chublacka - GAMEBOYofCOLOR
Compson - Burn the Witch
Craziest Col - Craziest Col
Crustyrailgun - RazorbackKing
Cuban Legend - Cuban Legend
Cudd1yCactus - Cudd1yCactus
CunningLinguist - CrazyFruits
CurryKingDH - CurryKingDH
cutler006 - cutler006
Daggett - Daggett17
Davzzzp - davzzzp
Dayln - Jacanus
deadpool247 - GoofyfanChuck
delrazor - delrazor
derillionz - derillionz
dimeo89 - dimeo89
Dr. Spud - Dr Spud 10x
Dragon - DragonKill3R199
DrFunkee - DrFunkee
DrkStr - DJRival25 xMYQx
elIte hooper - zX SpH B3AST Xz
elivet - elivet
EpicPandemic - TheEpicPandemic
Ersk - Siimons 43
eyesh21 - eyesh21
Fantastical - gnash101
FishEye - Omoikane x8
Foxx - MetalGunBlade
GalacticPrettyBoy - Cronic x Derezz
Gershin - GershaFTW
Griff Simmons Girl - FreeJayFly
GullyGumboPot90 - GullyGumboPot90
Harajuku Trap - Harajuku Trap
hijb - hijb
IMissYourMusk – ImissYourMusk
iTofu - iTofu
ix0des - IX0DES
J2G360 - J2G360
JaBalls - JaBalls63
Jecked - N9NE FACEZ
Jinjo - Jinjo Ace
jjakt - joejakt
jmonster - PainedOdin
Jedimindtricks - Jed1M1ndTr1cks
jermandaim - jermandaim
Joker J - Th3 JoK3R J
Joker Smoker 70 - Joker Smoker 70
jrdr1218 - XxRadoN86xX
kairidestny - PastalovingeeK
Kav – kavvybop
kiori6 - its kiori
kylelikesbeaches – kylelikesbeache
lemonexit - lemonexit
macab – macabPA
machchunk - machchunk
MacsimousOwnag3 – klutchlikeaboss
MAD_JO3 - Ablata_ab_albA
magicstunts123 - magicstunts123
mahkra - mahkraFUD
Massacre Blues - Massacre Blues
MdX MaxX - MdX MaxX
metallim – Metallim
Midboss - o Coma White o
mikebreeze - ex I breezy
Mistress LeBeau - MistressLeBeau
Mguby - PinoyMguby
Mooseville - Buy MW3 Hacks
Morf - Morph Phoenix
MrClutch - jaypam02
MrLast - FrFauxSake
MrMrMrMrFly - Seraph007
MrPanic1989 - MrPanic1989
murph17 - murph17
Nature Sounds - Nature Sounds
NextMemory - NextMemory
nhskidude - houseman123
northtracks - drekizgod
pallenda - Neptun3d
PaRtYR0ck3r - PaRtYR0ck3r
Phishr42 - phishr42
PLACiiiD - oO J Blaze Oo
Plazsma - Un1ike1ykiller
PumpkinLord45 - PumpkinLord45
PyroPaperPlanes - Aevon 42
qazzx - CAtcH174
raks01 - raks01 (zero one)
RalphBattle - RalphBattle1
ramrod95 - ramrod95
Rayvee - TheTelekenician
RobotsandTrexes - FillYourHeart
Rod Ratty - Rod Ratty
RoKKeR - The U2 RoKKeR
rungunrepeat - rungunrepeat
SarahBroadus - WildFlower z07
Senotoku - Senotoku
SHiNOXXLE - OniPandApple
sloanertw - sloanertw
Smathev - Smathev
SnakeEyes Friex - SnakeEyes Friex
soultron - soultron
SparkyButtons - SparkyButtons
speed0fsound - speed0fsound7
SpriteZero - SpR1tEzER0
Squadoosh - Squadoosh
st3aksauce138 - st3aksauce138
SSXGreg97 - SSXGreg97
tecna jessie - uber13
tendicott - tendicott
terrrrrible - terrrrrible
the Hot Legend - SaneThe Legend
TheGambit7 - xTLGx GAMBIT
theguy2687 - Melloblack2
TheNicksta023 - TheNicksta023
ThunderSt0rm - Thunder044
Ticklemeozmo - TickleMeOzmo
Titan - SSXTitan
Todd Smith - KING TOE
Toebex – Toebex
Tomttaw - Tomttaw
trindermon - theotzu
trj820 - trj820
Tunes's Dad's Xbox - CosmicElk894918
Unicycler - VigilantSoren
UpfrontGrunt - Peni7entTangent
V1P3Rleader - V1P3Rleader
Vampstealth - Vampstealth
VaNiilaa - VaNiilaa
Veggie - Veggie22
VelKrowe - Uncle Squeezins
vix - VixDiesel
Vlad Impaler7 - Vlad Impaler7
yako591 - yako529
Whidmer - JENGG4
WilliamK - WilliamK
XerxesCooroFox – CooroSnowfox
XEShadowX - Deznere
YanickSSX - YanickSSX
YoshiExcel - YoshiExcel
Zelly 29 - ZeIIy 29
Zippster08 - Zippster08

Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:43 pm

PSN: gondeeSSX
XBL: gondeeSSX
Wii: never play it. :lol

Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:49 pm

PSN: charmydweeng
Wii Friend Code: Same as gondee, but here 6602-0316-7539-8986

You could add everyone's info to the first post for ease.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:58 pm

xbox- zX SpH B3AST Xz

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:04 pm

XBL: Kavvybop

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:05 pm

it's a bit early for this but i'll bite.

PSN: VixDiesel
Live: VixDiesel

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:12 pm

PSN- martymcflyy85

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:19 pm

XBL - RazorbackKing

Don't be mad if I don't add you immediately, since I might not be able to til the end of August.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:23 pm

XBL: WAffle3690

Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:37 pm

XBL: Bildi

Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:59 pm

PSN: hypnotic_boogie

Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:05 pm

PSN: lsatterfield

I'm going to try and keep SSX in my status to everyone can connect
the name with the game--apart from Home or other friends.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:17 pm

XBL: whoozwah OR shmuppersunite

Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:51 am

PSN: Vaarsivius
Wii: Again, I never play it.


Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:31 am

PSN: funk_189
Xbox Live: funk189

Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:57 am

PSN: Ruchie
XBL: Rara8kid
wii# comming soon

Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:41 am

Me? oh go on then!

PSN : Envisager

Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:20 am


Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:57 am

PSN: RalphBattle1
XBL: SnowFlake31

Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:06 am

PSN: MilwaukeeBrewers
XBL: MKE_Brewers

I'm only Live Silver on 360, since I mostly stick to single-player gaming on my consoles. Free online is why I plan on getting the PS3 version of SSX; Mt. Fuji is just a bonus.

Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:07 am

PSN: rzrfvr

Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:42 am

PSN: UrbanInfinity (my new account)

Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:27 pm

PSN: PabloYeti

Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:36 pm

friend requests have been sent to everyone who listed their PSN.

Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:07 pm

All sent to date as well

djchrisea wrote:Me? oh go on then!

PSN : Envisager

Your maxed out matey
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