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Throne Walkthrough

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 7:14 pm
from: gondee
Article type: Walkthrough
Viewed: 1616

SA= Stoneage Monster Trick X= X-executioner Monster Trick
Throne - 4.83 million (walkthrough tells ways to get even more points):
Diffuculty: Extreme
1. First I get 30X combo by doing 12x before rail and get the rest on the little ice rail.
2. Go forward near the end of that ledge and turn right and jump and get 2 little uber tricks. Then when you land, jump right off the next little jump for 2 more uber tricks.
3. Off the next jump do an X-SA.
4. Go to the left jump and jump early to land in the pipe (at about 10%) and do one X off it.
5. Now to stay in the pipe be as farther towards the high/back part of it. Do an SA every single jump.
6. Try to have at least 300K by 4:00 left if not 350K (what I had on my run)
7. Leave the pipe with roughly 3:00 left, you will have around 790K if you do the halfpipe and beginning perfectly (I had 750K out of the pipe on my run).
8. When you leave the pipe jump out of the right side and do an SA exiting it. Do it slow enough so you jump down the next ledge before the bridge thing.
9. Jump off the ledge and do an unsmurphied X (because you did enough tricks in the pipe for it to reset).
10. Jump just to the right of the bridge to do another X.
11. Boost down into the ice rail, and slow down at the ice rail. Jump off the ice rail and pull off an Alpine Star.
12. Boost to jump off the left jump but slant towards the right and pull off an X on that jump (I only had an SA on my run).
13. Boost down towards the artillery and get on the artillery. Boost off it and jump, depending on your air, you can get anywhere from an SA-SA off it, to a X-X (I only had an SA-SA.)
14. Boost a little through the middle of the cave and jump to the middle plateau on the first jump, try not to get too much air so you have speed for the jump on the plateau.
15. Jump off the plateau, and you should be able to pull off at least X-SA (what I got) and sometimes can get an X-X.
16. Veer off to the right and then veer back way left so you can have speed for the next jump. Boost as much as you can and jump off the left side of the ledge and you can pull off an SA on that or an X (which is what I had, an X).
17. Now go carefully through the next ice cliff ledge, and DO NOT go on the ice rail, because it can mess up your run more often than not.
18. At the jump do an SA, you might be able to do more there, but I go too slowly through the ledge to do anymore than that.
19. When you land boost like heck and jump off the left side of the big embankment and pull off an X-SA, (I only got an SA-SA on my run because I was too far right).
20. Go through that cavern there and prepare to jump off to the right at the exit of it. Pull off an X in this jump.
21. Take the left ramp and boost as much as you can so you can pull off an X in that jump, if you don\'t get enough speed, you\'ll only have time for an SA.
22. Keep following that route and jump off the next jump, it is the same as the last jump, you\'ll only be able to pull off an X if you have enough speed.
23. After that, go straight and jump off the little rise in the ground and do an SA.
24. There\'ll be a rail and a turn off to your left DO NOT take that, stay on the right and jump at the rise in the ground there and pull of an Alpine Star there also. You can only do AS there because there isn\'t enough air to smurphy it.
25. Take the very right route and jump at the peak of that rise. You should be able to pull off at least an SA, but an X is also possible with enough speed (I did the X).
26. Go down through the narrow path and keep to the right. *NEW*In that path after the rocks on the left, jump off the of the vertical part and land an SA down onto the ground, it is pretty diffucult to do right *END NEW*
27. When you come up to the log entering into the halfpipe, take it. But, don\'t boost, jump off it early to pull off an SA.
*ATTN*(The next part inside the halfpipe will vary, I will give exactly what I did in the pipe in my 4.83 million run)*ATTN*
28. Then boost into the first pipe jump and pull off an SA-SA.
29. I landed facing back the way I came and jumped up and way forward for another SA.
30. I veered to the very right pipe and jumped for an SA.
31. I landed near the end of the very right pipe and boosted and jumped at the exit of the pipe for an SA.
32. Then you should land with the log rail right in front of you. Boost up to it, but don\'t boost while you\'re on it (So you don\'t go to far on the jump). Jump at the peak of the log and pull off an SA.
33. Turn left very quickly and boost onto the next log and boost and jump off that log for an X. You will land into the deep final stretch of the run.
34. Boost down to the last jump on the stretch and do an X coming out of it.
35. Turn right for the very final small jump and pull an Alpine Star off that.
36. You probably won\'t have much more than 10 seconds to spare after that, so boost like heck to the end of the run.

33. Instead of boosting up the log for an X, go slower for an SA and then land right before the next log.
34. Boost off this log and pull off an X (Don\'t boost too far, or you\'ll boost into off limits )
35. If time permits, go way right and jump off the embankment back towards the center doing an SA.
36. Go to the log rail on the very end of this path, boost and jump off it for an X-SA.
37. Go down to the right and take the bottom jump with an SA or Alpine Star, depending on the air. That is MY alternate ending

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